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Break Up With Bad Driving Habits



Some relationships are good for you, and some are not. It’s the same with your driving behaviors.   

Whether it’s a #NewYearNewMe resolution (which you’ll actually keep) or just a random self-improvement Tuesday, recommit yourself to living your best life on your drive by spring cleaning out any less than stellar patterns.    

Cue Ed Sheeran if you’re reading these and thinking, “My bad habits lead to you…”  

1. Riding the Brakes

The brake pad isn’t a rest stop for your feet. Keeping your foot on this pedal does no good for your braking system… or the other drivers behind you who want/need to know whether you’re actually stopping or semi-cruising.    

Plus every time you press on the brake, even softly, it generates heat buildup which can wear down your pads and rotors. It may also lead to more time at the repair shop and less money in your wallet. 

Riding your brakes because you’re going down a hill? Safety must always be your top priority, but you can try downshifting to still remain at a safe speed.

2. Running on Empty

Driving on fumes and zooming around till 2 seconds before your tank reaches complete bottom is not a good scenario. Maybe you’re looking for cheaper gas, maybe you want to see how low you can go but it’s not worth it.   

Apart from the idea that you could run out of gas (not only expensive from towing your vehicle but dangerous as well), you could also damage your vehicle. Many cars have electric fuel pumps where gas acts as a coolant. Driving with such low levels can cause the fuel pump to overheat and you can suffer premature failure (no one wants that). Dirt and other sediment at the bottom of the tank could even get drawn into the gas pump. 

Break the habit and start driving around with the tank at least ¼ full (or better yet ½). 

3. Ixnay Multi-Trip Stops

Getting Novo’s multi-car discount on auto insurance is good; repeatedly making multi-stop trips is not. But hey, sometimes it can’t be helped. You have a crazy schedule with limited time availability. And you have errands to run and it’s not like you’re choosing them to be all over town. If you could snap your fingers and localize them all, you would... (probably after using your newfound powers for some other cool things in life). 


Here’s the reason why it’s always preferable to centralize as much as you can: if you’re repeatedly making short trips throughout the day, then the engine is constantly running cold, which can create issues over time. So try to do your dry cleaning in the same shopping area as your groceries. Or close by. Better yet, power through these errands around the same time.   

If you can take care of multiple errands in one place, that’s the kind of multiple that’s also good for you in many ways: you’ll maximize your gas mileage (thus, saving cash), manage your time better so you have more chill time for yourself AND reduce wear and tear on your engine. 

4. Sudden Stops 

‘Tis true. Sometimes sudden stops are necessary and the way to stop an accident. By all means, do it when you must.   

But often enough, these kinds of slam-on-the-brakes stops can be avoided if you’re looking ahead at traffic patterns and anticipating when you need to ease up on the pedal or start lightly tapping your brake for a smoother stop.   

It’ll save you excess wear on brake pads and motors AND keep you safer. 

5. Jackrabbit Starts 

Nope, abrupt stops aren’t good — and neither are abrupt starts. Not only is it bad for your gas mileage, but they’re also hard on your ride. It stresses out the key components of your car like the engine, transmission, steering, and suspension (kinda important parts, dontcha think?) 

6. Ignoring Speed Bumps 

Speed bumps weren’t created as a fun obstacle course to race through. They’re there for a purpose — an important reminder to slow down. Sometimes, they’re placed in low-traffic areas where motorists sadly pay less attention, thinking they won’t see a pedestrian. Accidents may have even occurred there before and the speed bump was added to prevent future injuries.  

Don’t ignore them, slow down and you’ll pass over them quickly enough, all while forgoing any extra wear and tear on your car’s alignment. 

7. Kicking It To The Curb

Pull up to the curb, but don’t bump smack into it. You could risk damaging tires or creating alignment issues. Give yourself just a little space to kick this bad habit adios as well. 

8. Distracted Driving 

Texting while driving? Chatting while driving? Checking out Bumble while driving? Oh, cell no.   

Distracted driving is dangerous driving. Break the habit with these 5 ways to avoid distracted driving.  

Stay Safe on the Road 

As always, empowered drivers are safer drivers, more thoughtful drivers, and more engaged drivers. Check out more of our tips on our blog, such as:

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