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5 Essential Summer Car Care Tips



Don’t get ‘Summertime Sadness’ because of bad car maintenance tips. It’s road trip season, along with ‘beach hair, don’t care’ season, and you don’t want to mess that up with extra car trouble season.  

To keep the poolside vibes more ‘hot girl summer’ vs. ‘too hot to ride in the car summer,’ follow along with some favorite tips and keep the party raging all summer long.  

1. Test the A/C 

Just because summer sizzles doesn’t mean you want to feel the sizzle in your vehicle. Check that your A/C is working. It may have been a few months since you used your A/C so test out that it’s working properly. If you’re only feeling hot air coming out, you may just need a little extra refrigerant. Otherwise, get thee to a car mechanic or body shop… because you won’t be left out in the cold this summer, you’ll be sweltering. 

2. Check Tire Air Pressure

Summer lovin’ should have you a blast, not have your road trip go bust. It may have been a long, snowy winter and your tires may be showing the miles to prove it. Or you may live in a warmer climate where it feels like there are hardly any seasons at all. Either way, it’s always a good idea to inspect tire pressure when heading out on the open road. 

Consult your owner’s manual, but most vehicles have a recommended tire pressure of 30-35 PSI. Stay in the range that is optimal for your own car — you don’t want to go over or under. 

Pro Tip: Check the air pressure of your spare tire. Then check to make sure you have your music list all set up. And away you go! 

3. Hydration Nation

Keep hydrated. Regularly check oil, brake, power-steering, and windshield washer fluids for your vehicle. And don’t forget how essential hydration is to you as well. Yes, we’ve all heard how critical it is to drink 8 glasses a day, but did you know that number can be higher in the summer months?  

If you’re dehydrated and exhausted from the heat, how alert do you think you’ll really be? 

4. Get Shady

When it comes to the sun, and where you park, being shady is a positive thing. Think of it as sunscreen for your car. Well, kinda. But seriously, try to park your car in the shade whenever you can — and also use window shades in your car. They’ll block out UV rays and keep your car from heating up.

The sun can damage your belongings in the car (be very careful about leaving things inside), as well as the paint on the exterior. That’ll cost ya. 

5. Keep Cool 

Is your steering wheel too hot to handle? Protect your digits by turning the wheel 180 degrees before heading out. Then the parts you regularly touch while driving should be protected a bit from the sun. 

As for seatbelts, depending on where you live… the metal can get well over 100 degrees if left sitting in the heat. Try to keep the metal from the sun’s rays by sliding it away from direct sunlight. 

Of course, you can always buy a sunshade too. 

Stay Safe on the Road

As always, empowered drivers are safer drivers, more thoughtful drivers, and more engaged drivers. Check out more of our safety tips on our blog, including:

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